2016 Inductees
Elected first as a Weatherford City Commissioner in April 1996, and then as Mayor in January 2004 of this strong mayor form of government community, he is now the longest-serving mayor in the history of Weatherford. In addition, he is the only sitting Oklahoma Municipal League President to be inducted into this hall of fame.
He is the sole recipient of the President's Gold Award from the Oklahoma Municipal League, which was created in 2011 to recognize service to Oklahoma local governments and officials, by a non-public official. Mike worked for the City of Edmond for 2 years prior to going into private practice as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). That, along with experience gained from auditing cities and towns "hooked" him on local government.
In addition to other professional positions, Kevin McCullough assisted the Town of Earlsboro to establish a Police Department, serving as Chief of Police for over 2 years. He is a member of the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police, Association of Public Safety Communication Officials, American Jailer Association, Oklahoma Code Enforcement Association, Association of Law Enforcement Response Trainers International, Oklahoma Association of Public Safety Communications Officers and the International Conference of Police Chaplains.
He retired in May 2015, for the third time, after a nearly 45 year career that began in the fire service, then as a City Clerk and finally as a City Manager and Town Administrator. He is the only inductee to serve as the chief official over two municipal departments, as well as the executive officer of both a city and a town; and as president of two-statewide professional associations.
As the longest-serving Mayor of Ponca City, he is involved in many roles at the state and national levels that affect local governments in Oklahoma and across the country. Among these is his service on the Oklahoma Homeland Security Advisory Council and the Oklahoma Pipeline Safety Task Force; and previously on the Governor’s Task Force on Collection, Distribution & Enforcement of Municipal Sales Tax and the Governor’s Council on Workforce and Economic Development.
As City Manager of Woodward for the past 13 years, he was recognized in 2004 by the International City-County Management Association (ICMA) as a Credentialed City Manager; and then in 2008, he graduated from the ICMA Gettysburg Leadership Institute. He began his municipal career as a firefighter in Anadarko, where he later served as City Manager for seven years.