David Weatherford

Acceptance Speech

It is said that David Weatherford is the most unique municipal attorney in the state of this generation. His service and influence spans state-wide and is changing communities not only for today but also for the next generation of municipal leaders. He is truly committed to his profession as a city attorney for the betterment of communities across Oklahoma.

The City of Coweta awarded David with a plaque for 20 years of service.

One of David’s biggest contributions is the council training session where he helps councils learn to get along and grow beyond any personal agenda they may have as well as creating a "City Council" and various "Board and Committee" Handbook, which outlines a Councils' roles and duties, provides information relating to tort claims, conflicts of interest, the Open Meeting Act, as well as other miscellaneous and useful information.

David is a thought leader in our state on issues of primary importance to the governance and policy development/ implementation of cities and towns.

He has attended over 1,000 City Council and Town Board of Trustees meetings and then developed best practice training that he has presented to over 90 Oklahoma cities and towns from Guymon to Poteau and Altus to Disney.

David was instrumental in developing the "Stability Test", which he has presented to the Oklahoma Conference of Mayors' Summer Conference and is used at every OMAG Recognition training event.

Since 2002, David has served as the City of Sand Springs' City and Municipal Authority Trust Attorney. During his tenure, he has provided exceptional legal advice, as well as provided quality training, excellent collective bargaining agreement services, and planning and economic development services.

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