David R. Morgan, PhD.

Acceptance Speech

"Those who can, do; those who can't, teach", probably applies to some people, but not to David Morgan. Through his contributions as an educator, researcher, and author, he has done much to impact the way cities and towns are managed and how they operate. Dr. Morgan went out to "do" municipal government first as an Administrative Assistant to the City Manager of Norman, then as a Personnel Technician for the City of Oklahoma City, and in 1959 as the first City Manager of Yukon. After a three-year stint in the mid 60's as a Project Director with the Peace Corps Training Programs, he began then to "do" even more for cities and towns through his work at the University of Oklahoma.

After his 1954 discharge from the Army, Dave attended the University of Oklahoma, where he received his BA degree in 1956, followed by his Master's in 1960, then his doctoral in 1969. All of his graduate work was accomplished while holding full-time employment. He began his academic career in 1966 as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Oklahoma City University. He moved to the OU faculty in 1969. He retired from OU in 2000, concluding his career holding the Henry Bellmon Chair of Public Service.

Thousands of students were impacted through his courses at OU in Urban Management, Urban Policies and Problems, Urbanism in the Political System, Urban Policy Analysis, Urban Service Delivery, and Urban Government. Besides his impact as a teacher of many serving in city and town governments throughout Oklahoma - and the world - Dr. Morgan's greatest contributions to municipal government came through his 18 years as Associate Director or Director of the Bureau of Government Research at OU. Here, he conducted a wide range of significant research projects ranging from highway safety to financing state government to municipal productivity.

He has authored numerous articles and monographs on virtually every aspect of municipal government over the past 35 years. In addition, he has authored five books, including five editions of Managing Urban America, a textbook used in public administration courses in many colleges and universities.

Throughout this time, Dave continued to "do" public service in Norman as a member of the Norman Utilities Commission, the Plan Forum Committee for Norman 2000, the Norman City Finance Advisory Committee, Norman City Planning Commission, and Mayor's Budget Advisory Committee, and many other city assignments. In retirement, Dave now tutors elementary students and recently became a registered investment adviser. Persons selected for the Oklahoma Hall of Fame for City and Town Officials must be "doers" and Dr. David Morgan has been a "doer" for municipal government the past 40 years.

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