Jon Woods
Jon Woods served as Assistant Municipal Counselor for Oklahoma City in 1976, and shortly became Associate General Counsel for OKC prior to his employ as Associate General Counsel for OMAG. After 18 years of service in that capacity he moved to Deputy General Counsel and then to Chief Executive Officer in 2014. He led the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG) until 2021 when he retired. During his tenure as CEO of OMAG coverage for liability and property insurance was greatly expanded. During part of his time as CEO he also served on the Board of Trustees of the Association of Governmental Risk Pools (AGRIP).
Jon served Oklahoma municipalities through teaching and speaking. A sought-after speaker, Jon presented in a variety of venues and audiences such as Municipal attorneys, Chiefs of Police, Oklahoma Clerks, Treasurers and Finance Officials Association. Municipal leaders of every stripe attended Jon’s presentations at OML Annual Conference, New Chief’s training and Oklahoma Municipal Attorney’s Association. Jon was a featured presenter at national conferences such as the Public Risk Management Association, and the Association of Governmental Risk Pools.
He assisted in expanding and strengthening OMAG’s partnerships with sister organizations that support the officials and employees at Oklahoma cities and towns such as the Oklahoma Chiefs of Police, the City Management Association of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Municipal Management Services, by providing training, management and support to the organizations that support their municipal officials and employees.
He was a member of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys, the Defense Research Institute, and the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inn, American Inns of Court.
He was an Adjunct Professor with the OCU School of Law and Southeastern Oklahoma State University at Tinker Air Force Base, as well as a faculty member of the Oklahoma City Police Training Academy.
Woods enjoyed spending time with family and friends and was very active in his church.