Albert Veltema

Albert Veltema, perhaps more than any other city or town official since 1973, can be credited with assuring abundant sources and lowest cost wholesale power to most Oklahoma municipal electric communities. “Buddy” as most of you know him retired in 2002 as City Manager of the City of Walters after 27 years as City Manager or Treasurer. During that time he also served as the first Chairman of the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority in 1981, and once briefly as Acting General Manager. He continues to serve today as OMPA Vice-Chair during this his 25th consecutive year on the board. In honor of his distinguished service, the OMPA headquarters building in Edmond is named in his honor.

Prior to the creation of OMPA, Buddy Veltema was also instrumental in the formation of the Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma, including serving as Board President. He has also been a board member for the American Public Power Association and President of the Southwestern Power Resources Association. In retirement, he continues to serve the City of Walters as an advisor on electric system issues.

Buddy was named “Citizen Emeritus” in 2002 by the Walters Chamber of Commerce and has been cited in Oklahoma for his municipal service with the Ray Duffy Personal Service Award from MESO and a citation from the Oklahoma State Senate. Other recognitions include the Larry Hobart Seven Hats Award from the American Public Power Association and a proclamation recognizing him as a state, regional, and national leader in the public power movement from the Southwestern Power Resources Association.

Throughout his service in Walters, he was recognized as a mentor to other city managers, as well as governing body members and business people. His nomination form noted that Buddy has been a major voice on federal power issues for over a quarter-century which has earned him a “level of respect accorded to very few and validity of opinion accorded to fewer still”, as a man of integrity, vision, and humility.

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