2004 Inductees
The Hall of Fame for City and Town Officials may induct one person posthumously each year. The Foundation has selected for 2004 an individual who served in Oklahoma local government for 34 years prior to his death earlier this year at age 60. Terry H. Powell served in three Oklahoma communities and on the international board for his profession. Throughout this service, he was known for his compassion, integrity, dedication, respect for elected officials, and most of all his passion for the communities he served.
Being inducted into a hall of fame is nothing new to Robert J. LaFortune. This legendary public official was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 1975, the University of Tulsa Engineering Hall of Fame in 1986, and the Tulsa Hall of Fame in 1988.
George F. Wilkinson is among that rare group of public officials who serve first as an elected official before becoming an appointed official in their community. Little did he or the community realize in the 1963 city commission election that his public service career would extend for more than 40 years. And, it is still continuing.
Don Bown holds the unique distinction of having been president of four state-wide municipal organizations - the Oklahoma Municipal League, the City Management Association of Oklahoma, the Clerks, Treasurers, and Finance Officers Association of Oklahoma, and the Government Finance Officers Association of Oklahoma. In addition, he has served on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Regional Councils; and, like Terry Powell, as a Regional Vice President for the International City/County Management Association.