Donald D. Bown

Acceptance Speech

Don Bown holds the unique distinction of having been president of four state-wide municipal organizations - the Oklahoma Municipal League, the City Management Association of Oklahoma, the Clerks, Treasurers, and Finance Officers Association of Oklahoma and the Government Finance Officers Association of Oklahoma. In addition, he has served on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Regional Councils; and, like Terry Powell, as a Regional Vice President for the International City/County Management Association.

Donald D. Bown retired as City Manager of Oklahoma City in 1998 with the longest tenure of any person in that office. He became City Manager in 1991 after having served the prior 14 years as the city's General Services Director and Finance Director. Prior to Oklahoma City, he was the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Crime Commission and had been City Manager of Bartlesville and Seminole. He began his career as an assistant city manager in Springfield, Missouri.

Regardless of whom you might ask-- from field worker to national official-- all are likely to describe his broad impact on local government and organizations in a style that is pure Don Bown. As current Oklahoma City Manager, Jim Couch, puts it, "Don's management strategy (is) succinct and effective - recognize talent, bring in the best people and let them do their job." And, the entire world witnessed the manifest evidence of his style in the horrific days and weeks that followed April 19, 1995.

Don has been honored by the CMAO as a recipient of the Gerald Wilkins Award, and by Oklahoma City Downtown Now with their Pioneer Award. He has been a member of the Oklahoma County Home Finance Authority and the board of the Oklahoma Firefighter's Pension and Retirement System. The Oklahoma City Chapter of the American Business Women's Association selected him as the Boss of the Year in 1979.

Don continues to mentor leaders in Oklahoma local government and to cultivate and inspire those who will be leaders in the future. While officially "retired," his is only a nominal retirement, as he currently serves as a consultant to the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments and as Chairman of the Oklahoma City Airport Trust.

And, if you are a little distressed about the construction at Will Rogers Airport, give Don just five minutes to tell you about it, and then watch for that twinkle in his eyes and the wry grin to appear.

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