Drake Rice

Acceptance Speech

For more than forty years Drake Rice has consistently demonstrated a servant's heart in local government management in three (3) Oklahoma communities and as Director of Member Services of the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA). Drake has been a mentor to more than two generations of elected and appointed city officials. It does not matter if these officials represented a community which owned its own municipal electric distribution utility or not, Drake has been a steady, calm, knowledgeable, creative source of encouragement and insight on a multitude of issues for a host of municipal officials across Oklahoma.  At the same time, Drake is a strong proponent of local control who provided outstanding insight without seeking to impose his ideas or will on any community.

Involved in the early development of the Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma (MESO), Drake, along with other city managers and electric directors, saw the need for a statewide organization dedicated to improving municipal electric systems and lobbying to protect their interests. He was an active supporter in the early years of MESO and has continued to serve MESO in one capacity or another. Drake could be referred to as 'Mr. Public Power" for Oklahoma as he has been a forward thinker, doer, and planner and touched so many leaders in municipal and electric power business.  

Drake was instrumental in the creation of OMPA, who, along with other city managers and electric directors, responded to predatory wholesale pricing to create an opportunity for municipal electric systems to control their own destiny. They lobbied hard for several years to get the legislation passed that allowed cities and towns to jointly manage their power supply program which is what led to the creation of the OMPA.

Drake has represented the interests of Oklahoma municipalities on the Southwestern Power Resources Association for many years. These are cities and towns which hold a very critical federal hydropower allocation which has allowed these communities to keep their electric rates low to their citizens.

Drake spearheaded the establishment of a very successful mutual aid program between the cities and towns with electric systems. He has also represented Oklahoma municipalities on national committees (American Public Power Association) dealing with national mutual aid programs and other programs of benefit to cities and towns.

As the Director of Member Services for OMPA, Drake has overseen the development and implementation of the many OMPA programs that provide valuable services to its member cities.

Drake is to be commended for assisting numerous cities and towns across Oklahoma when dealing with the difficult task of requesting FEMA reimbursement after a significant storm event.

Drake is married to Luellen and they are the parents of daughters Gisela and Megan and grandparents to Billy, Bobby & Olivia.  Drake likes to jog, bicycle, ski and work with model trains and railroads at the Oklahoma Railway Museum.

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