2007 Inductees
A humble and dedicated public servant for the past 48 years, who always give credit to his “team”, never to himself, is a theme that resonated throughout the nomination form and support letters for inductee Leroy Herman Lage. Although he “retired” in 2000, this Watonga native continues to serve his hometown today as City Treasurer - a position to which he was first elected in 1994. He was elected Treasurer while also serving as the Finance Director and Light and Water Commissioner for the city for a total of 41 years from 1959 to 2000. And for the past 29 years, he has represented the Watonga-Geary-Calumet area as a trustee for the Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, the third-largest such cooperative in the country.
While other Oklahoma City officials have been recognized for establishing “The Oklahoma Standard” for emergency response after the Murrah Building Bombing, Jim Couch is widely recognized for setting “The Oklahoma Standard” for community partnerships and redevelopment. This new standard is based on his ability to bring together for common goals the governmental, business, and residential communities throughout the greater metropolitan area. As one support letter noted:
Carl Frederick Reherman’s nomination noted that he is always able to see the future, to dream bigger and farther than others, but as one who also has the ability and drive to find the people and resources to fulfill those dreams. In the past 37 years Carl has turned his dreams into programs that have had a profound affect on all Oklahoma cities and towns as well as municipal leadership throughout Oklahoma and beyond.